Monday, April 20, 2009


The weeks never unbusy themselves. In the past week I've spent most of my time finalizing Renovate Style. It goes to the printer on Wednesday, and *fingers crossed* all will turn out splendidly. I've had a great time working with the other designers on this project, and as I've said before, it's been a great learning experience. I am, though, looking forward to having dreams that aren't Renovate Style related.

I also picked up a freelance job for a Texas company. It's a web job, so that's fun. Luckily, I get to skip the coding and just design in Photoshop. There's someone who will work the web technicalities out (yay!). I don't want to say too much, but it's tough because the client doesn't want to use any photos or imagery. I feel like my creativity is being pushed into undiscovered territory, and I'm anxious to hear the feedback on my prototypes.

I did, though, take a little design break to spend some time in Kansas City. It was worth the torrential storm we drove through on Saturday to make it home. Tom and I played lots of pool (I'm a bit of a shark!), ate way too much food and bought too many clothes. It was good to spend time with my family and attempt to remove myself from the stress that I currently associate with living in Columbia. We spent Sunday afternoon adventuring through Lawrence and happened upon Local Burger. It's a cute little diner that serves locally-produced and grown food. You pick your own burger meat —buffalo, turkey, beef, elk, veggie, soy—and enjoy the fact that you're eating all natural, local food. If you make it out to Lawrence, definitely plan on stopping for a snack.

Besides craving delicious veggie burgers, in the next week I'll be picking up more jobs at the Design Center, finishing my mini portfolio and applying for more jobs.

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